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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Best Laid Plans

Feb 6th 2013

Best laid plans often go astray as we all know well.  I had plans to finish my morning routine and then work on a sweatshirt quilt I am trying to get finished.  As things would go, the morning routine went fairly smooth.  After getting my mother in law settled in for her morning nap, I high tailed it down to let our chickens out.  i had to laugh as I watched them freed from one cage to  rush to the other hen house to lay their eggs.  Then the comical routine as they tried to cram two or three in a box that is barley large enough for one.  Totally hilarious at least in my sense of humor. 
Any way once that was finished, I returned to the house to sit down and spend some time with Jesus.  One of the devotionals that I look at on a regular basis is "Encouragement for Today:"  Great tool and a total blessing.  Anyway this mornings was based on the verse. John 13:23, "One of them, the disciple that Jesus loved, was reclining next to him."  The whole gist of the devotional was based on all the negetive things that others might label us with as well as the destructive labels we put on ourselves.  The point was that John was so confident in the love of Jesus that he called himself the disciple that Jesus loved no matter what others might think.  So we to as believers in Christ can be confident of this.  We to are his disciples and as John was confident of his love so we to can be even in our mistakes and blunders.  I long for the day, when all I think of myself as is the disciple that Jesus loved. Sa all day I have brought this to mind and worked on remembering who I am in Christ. 

Back to my day.  After the devotional was finished I began working on the quilt.  I made steady progress untill after lunch.  Then everything that could be a distraction happened.  anyway bottom line was I didn't get done as much as I had planned but I am happy with what I didn't get done.  Bottom line is I got done exactly what I needed to get done and tomorrow is another day. 
So it is late and I am tired.  I hope to get well on the way to being finished with the quilt tomorrow.  I post pictures hopefully tomorrow to show all this quilt. 
Anyway signing off for Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. Nice devotional! Laughing at the chickens as I read this.
